a little art collection
Artistic curriculum vitae
Personal data
Name: Ricardo Peredo Wende.
Date of birth: 06.11.1962.
Place of birth: La Paz Bolivia.
Marital status: single.
Nationality: german.
1992 - 1994 Media Art, Postgraduate studies. Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Degree: Diploma in Media Art with Prof. Dieter Jung.
1989 - 1990 ENSBA Ecole National Supériore des Beaux Arts, Paris (Stage).
1987 ENSAD École National Supériore des Arts Décoratifs Paris (Stage).
1984 - 1988 Study of fine arts. Düsseldorf Art Academy - master student of Prof. Nam June Paik.
1984 Completion of basic studies with a minor in sociology. HF: Psychology, University of Bielefeld.
1992 Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes
Institut Méditerranéen de Recherche et de Création, Center de la Vielle Charité, Marseille France
1991 Art Fund Bonn
1987/88 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France
Video screenings and performances
2023 "My Professor Nam June Paik". Video show and grand piano performance,
Random Access Sound; ReSounding Nam June Paik, International Symposium,
Museum of Art. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Dance, trumpet and piano performance in the exhibition Objets de Lumière.
Kunstraum Reuter, Berlin.
Solo exhibitions
2024 L’Or Noir A.R,T.. Window. Kunstraum La Girafe, Berlin.
2023 Objets de Lumière. Kunstraum Reuter, Berlin.
2022 Icons of Peace. Moving Holograms, light objects. Art space 35blumen, Krefeld.
2021 Cartoon Prophecy. Graphics and moving hologram. Reuter art space. Berlin, Germany
Light Window Door moving hologram & painting online exhibition. Vinogradov Gallery. Berlin.
2018/19 "Paik is Video Buddha". Hanmi Gallery (UK). Seoul, Korea.
Light Objects Rhapssody, Dance of Light Jewels. National Museum, La Paz, Bolivia.
1. https://ricardoperedowende.wixsite.com/ricardoperedowende/drawings
2. https://wende37.wixsite.com/meinewebsite
3. https://vimeo.com/user12975576
Group exhibitions
2023 In the center. Culture Life Berlin. Park Center Treptow, Berlin.
2022 Moving Hologram in the Absclus exhibition. Project Factory, Berlin.
2021 Art: Looking into the work. Workshop for Fine Arts, Berlin.
Extraterrestrial air garden. 104th House 104 Tempelhof, Berlin.
2020 Wall against wall (Versus) Battle of formats - circles against squares.
BAS Art Space Gallery. Berlin.
Works of art in museums and collections Discoveries and inventions
Folkwang Museum Essen. 2016 Gigantic multimedia paint & sound feeler.
Kunsthaus Zurich. 2015 Pink Screen for Looping Video.
Kunstmuseum Ehrenhof Düsseldorf. 1993 Holofeedback.
Thyssen Collection, mai Video Verlag Düsseldorf,
Center George Pompidou. Paris.
Persönliche Daten
Name: Ricardo Peredo Wende
Geburtsdatum: 06.11.1962.
Geburtsort: La Paz Bolivien.
Familienstand: ledig.
Staatsangehörigkeit: deutsch.
1992 - 1994 Medien-Kunst, Postgraduiertes Studium. Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. Abschluss: Diplom in Medienkunst bei Prof. Dieter Jung.
1989 - 1990 ENSBA Ecole National Supériore des Beaux Arts, Paris (Stage).
1987 ENSAD École National Supériore des Arts Décoratifs Paris (Stage).
1984 - 1988 Studium der bildenden Kunst. Kunstakademie Düsseldorf - Meisterschüler von Prof. Nam June Paik.
1984 Abschluss des Grundstudiums im Nebenstudium Soziologie. HF: Psychologie, Universität Bielefeld.
Videovorführungen und Performances
2023 My Professor Nam June Paik. Video Show und Flügel Performance, Random Access Sound;
ReSounding Nam June Paik, Internationales Symposium,. Museum of Art. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Tanz, Trompete und Klavier Performance in der Ausstellung Objets de Lumière. Kunstraum Reuter, Berlin.
2022 Happy Women´s Day. Performance for the Peace in the World. Heimatmuseum. Berlin.
2021 Drawing with Trumpet on Rollerblades. Projektfabrik, Berlin.
Andy Warhol Hanging on the Forum Factory, Performance. Berlin
Palindrome II. Dance Performance with Maria Marshall. Forum Factory, Berlin.
Interdisciplinaey Performance. Kule Gallery, Berlin.
2024 L’Or Noir A.R,T.. Window. Kunstraum La Girafe, Berlin.
2023 Objets de Lumière. Kunstraum Reuter, Berlin.
2022 Icons of Peace. Moving Holograms, Lichtobjekte. Kunstraum 35blumen, Krefeld.
2021 Cartoon Prophecy. Grafiks u. Moving hologram. Reuter Kunstraum. Berlin
Light Window Door moving hologram u. painting online exhibition.
Galerie Vinogradov. Berlin.
2018/19 Paik is Video Buddha. Hanmi Gallery (UK). Seoul, Korea.
Light Objects Rhapssody, Tanz der Licht Juwelen. National Museum, La Paz, Bolivien.
2023 Im Zentrum. Kultur Leben Berlin. Park Center Treptow, Berlin.
2022 Moving Hologram in der Absclussausstellung. Projekt Fabrik, Berlin.
2021 Kunst: Werk Reinschauen. Werkstatt für Bildende Kunst, Berlin.
Ausserirdischer Luftgarten. 104. Haus 104 Tempelhof, Berlin.
2020 Wand gegen Wand (Versus) Kampf der Formate - Kreise gegen Quadrate. BAS Art Space Gallery. Berlin.
Video „08.05 Tag der Befreiung.. Online Ausstellung zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs „Peace in Pieces“.
Green in Berlin. Kunstraum BAS, Berlin.
1. https://richart111.wixsite.com/ricardos-artwork
3. https://wende37.wixsite.com/meinewebsite
4. https://vimeo.com/user12975576
1992 Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes
Institut Méditerranéen de Recherche et de Création, Centre de la Vielle Charité, Marseille Frankreich
1991 Kunstfond Bonn
1987/88 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, Frankreich
Kunstwerke in Museen und Sammlungen Entdeckungen und Erfindungen
Folkwang Museum Essen. 2016 Gigantischer Multimediale Paint & Sound Fühler.
Kunsthaus Zürich. 2015 Pink Screen for Looping Video.
Kunstmuseum Ehrenhof Düsseldorf. 1993 Holofeedback.
Sammlung Thyssen, imai Video Verlag Düsseldorf,
Centre George Pompidou. Paris.
frequencies of sound into Color
My latest work consists mainly of drawings, moving holograms, paintings and performances. Different color temperatures and sound waves are transferred into images in space and time. Here you can perceive images of Ricardo's best creations of the last years, shown in different exhibitions and events.
1. https://ricardoperedowende.wixsite.com/ricardoperedowende/drawings
2. https://wende37.wixsite.com/meinewebsite